Tax Services
We help companies in Tax matters which enhance expanision and growth. It is inevitable that companies will end up making a few mistakes; we help them correct these mistakes.
We help companies turnaround their non-profitable ventures into something that benefits them. Our specialty lies in understanding what makes a company special and what makes it tick.
Tax Services
Direct Taxes – Direct taxation broadly refers to the Income Tax and Wealth tax laws which involve personal tax, corporate tax, minimum alternate tax, capital gains tax, international tax and transfer pricing.
We offer services in each of the above mentioned areas of tax and regulatory compliance
Experts In Tax Services
Our endeavor is to formulate an ideal tax strategy for our clients which is compliant with the law, legitimately reduces the tax bills and yet is not prone to invite litigation.
Our specialist in tax have a responsibility to ensure that the client’s tax bill is optimized and they do not pay any unnecessary taxes. This involves a complete understanding of the ever changing tax laws which offer innumerable tax optimisation opportunities in the form of deductions, exemptions and claims for losses and expenses
We provide representation services to clients at all levels of tax hierarchy ranging from assessment to administrative and appellate stages. We have competence and resources to serve clients at all levels of appellate stages ranging from
Appellate Commissioners, Dispute Resolution Panel, Income Tax Appellate Tribunals. We also provide services relating to obtaining rulings from Authority for Advance rulings.
of transfer pricing study and statutory reporting and representation before the transfer pricing officer.